Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Data Security The Safeguard of Patient Health...

The safeguard of patient health information and consumer information is effectively and sufficiently guarded is the upmost importance to any organization. Information security is important because it the law. Any deficiency of an effective information security program can be costly to an organization and be detrimental to patients and consumers. Organizations must be aware of the growing opportunities for breaches in security as technology is advancing is making the collection, maintenance, and dissemination of protected health information easier (Sayles, 2013). The following two security breaches will identify threats, and provide a security plan for the organization. The first security breach case is of Affinity Health Plan. A†¦show more content†¦Besides the hefty penalty, the settlement includes a corrective action plan requiring Affinity to use its best efforts to retrieve all hard drives that were contained on photocopiers previously leased by the plan that remain in the possession of the leasing agent, and to take certain measures to safeguard all electronic protected health information. The second security breach case is of Barnes Noble. In September 2012, hackers stole credit card information of customers who shopped at sixty-three Barnes Noble stores across the United States, which included New York City, San Diego, Miami and Chicago. The company discovered customer information had been stolen but kept the incident quiet per the request of the Justice Department so the F.B.I. could find out who was behind the intrusion (Huffington Post, 2012). 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